You need TRX or other tokens (go to Justswap to acquire) supported by the mining pool to participate in the mining. In the "Liquidity Mining" on the homepage, select a certain mining pool, enter the number of tokens to be staked, lock your assets and then wait for SUN earnings. Here are the steps:
1) Select a mining pool;
2) Authorization is needed when you stake tokens for the first time. Click on “Approve”, and then click on the “Accept” button in the TronLink Signature Request pop-up window to authorize.
3) After authorization, please enter the number of tokens to be staked, click on “Stake”, and then click on the “Accept” button in the TronLink Signature Request pop-up window to stake your asset.
4) Around 15-30 seconds after submitting the staking request, you will see the number of jToken staked and SUN to be claimed.